The seamless gutter industry is the wild west right now and we are coming to settle it.
Seems too good to be true? Keep Reading...
Turnkey Systems
Extremely Quick ROI
Very Low Initial Investment
Ridiculously High Profit Margins
Helps Existing Gutter Businesses Scale
Simple Enough an 8 year Old Could Do It
(Yes, I tested it on mine)
One monthly 1 on 1 Call
One Weekly Small Group Call
Exclusive Member Only Facebook Group
Daily Masterminds For Members Only via Zoom
Full Learning Management System for Technicians, Sales Reps and Administration
24/7 Access to All Trainings
A Done For You CRM
Vendor Discounts
And So Much More!
If you want to Make More Money, Expand your business, or even if you just want to Work Fewer Hours to Spend More Time with Family, then this is the most important letter you'll read all year!
Here's why...
Because in today's world only 1 out of 5 businesses make it. Mainly because they waste so much time trying to figure out how to run a business, that they either:
1. Run out of money
2. Give up because they can’t figure it out and it always feels like they are putting out fires.
My name is Colin DeHaan and I'm an expert in the Gutter Business World.
I've been in business 7 years and have done over 10 million in sales, more than half being done in a town smaller than 8,000 people. Not only have I been successful in my own businesses, but I've also coached over 1000 entrepreneurs in their home service businesses.
In addition, I've also run a number of home service businesses, such as: Roofing, Garage Doors, Siding, Window Install and NONE of these have been as profitable as Gutters. Now I still kept some of those services but I've added, on Gutters to each of them, resulting in a lot more profit.
This program is going to give you everything you need to build or scale a gutter business. Giving you the step by step from how to set up an LLC to how the tools should be laid out in the truck. Taking all the questions out of it, & allowing you to start seeing income increase in just a few short months.
Existing Gutter Business Owner
You'll discover exactly how to scale an existing gutter business in 3 months OR how to start a gutter business AND scale it, in just 3 months!
You'll literally have the blueprint to my exact business. You won't have to spend the hundreds of thousands of dollars going through all the trial and error, like I had to.
You'll be assigned facilitating and accountability calls for 12 months, to make sure you are moving in the right direction!
You'll have a whole new network of high-achieving entrepreneurs in all different home service businesses! All expanding their business by adding gutter services onto their existing business!
You'll skip past the 5+yrs of all the mistakes and obstacles that typically destroy or shut down businesses.
You'll know exactly how to run and operate, even with zero gutter knowledge, and who to get help from if you do have questions
When you start implementing all the little things, (that most business owners miss by the way), your sales start increasing and your team is working together better than ever... Just imagine the feeling of relief, knowing your business is prospering and will continue to.
You'll have a TON more money in your pocket and be able to take vacations with the family, and not have a worry in the world about how the business is doing or how you’re going to afford dinner. You'll have efficient systems and awesome employees to handle it all while you’re gone!
Brand New Gutter Business Owner
Purchased a 30yr old Existing Gutter Business
The Facebook group is where we ask questions, celebrate wins and share what has worked for each of us. This is where you have "the book of Colin" at your finger tips, as he participates daily! It's our community, our people. Where friendships are built, vacations are planned, and WINNING BIGLY occurs daily!
Your website design template is already all built out for you, along with your ad templates as well! These are both modeled after exactly what has and is still working for me today! Absolutely NO headache necessary!
Totally separate LMS(learning management system) for training your admins, sales guys and technicians! Allowing them to go through the program and have the program to refer back to as they are learning how to do their job. Streamlining the training process and minimizing mistakes
CRM done for you! That's right, we will show you exactly how to set up your CRM in the program. No wasting time trying to figure it out on your own!
Existing Gutter Business Owner
Brand New Gutter Business Owner
Brand New Gutter Business Owner
Brand New Gutter Business Owner
Existing Gutter Business Owner
Brand New Gutter Business
Bought an Existing Gutter Business
Existing Business Owner, NEW Gutter Business Owner
Existing Gutter Business Owner
Colin DeHaan
Founder and CEO, Gutter Launch
Not only does it teach you how to hire, it teaches you how to hire studs that will build your business for you, and stay for a long time!
The first month of this is a lot of setting up the backend of your business, month 2 is where the big $$$$$ starts happening!
This answer varies, based on amount of action taken, but most see it in about 3 months.
It takes about 3 months to go through the entire course, but the content and systems will be with you forever!
Effort, every bit of effort you have. Time, about 10-20 hours a week the first month, then your full attention after that first month!
This is a wide range, but you can get rolling for $15k-25k, or you can go big and spend about $100k on all top of the line equipment. All of this is financeable.
It took me 6 years, and hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I tell you what, all who do $1M in year 1, will get a custom fit cowboy hat!
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